The 8pm City Square


Just another site

Chapter 2

Morgan stood at the doorstep of the apartment she shares with her brother, fumbling for her keys. She rarely remembers where she places them, her focus at the moment of dropping her keys into her bag after use is to be sure they do not drop out of her bag onto the floor or elsewhere. Once they are in the bag, she would heave a sigh of relief and move on to the next thought and action. After a good one minute, the clink of keys was heard and the mahogany coloured wooden door opened up to show her brother quietly working under a singular source of yellow light, enough to illuminate his second draught of a house for a diamond cutter. Her brother lives and sleeps in the living room of the apartment, and the communal area of the home takes place in one of the two bedrooms, which is half the size of Justin’s living room converted bedroom. Justin heard his sister’s return and turned around to greet her with a smile, but was repaid with gloom. The two then didn’t proceed to speak more, but instead went on with their own activities.

Morgan didn’t look at the clock. It didn’t matter what time it was. Seeing how late it could have been already would have created even more worry that she wouldn’t get enough sleep for the next day in waiting. She wasn’t even hungry, and in fact the simple act of chucking Justin’s leftovers into the microwave felt like moving a mountain. She opted for a muesli bar instead, which turned out to be three in total for dinner. Downed some orange juice and showered before turning into bed. There is hardly anything that belongs to her in her room. Most were either hand me downs, people’s rejects, presents or refurbished garbage. She never really knew what it meant to have her own space all her life. In fact, she was quite happy to be an outlet for other people’s expressions. So going to her room meant straight to the bed for her. I mean, there are homeless people so just be grateful you aren’t one.

Day broke. She got up and on the way to the toilet she would have to walk across the living room converted to Justin’s bedroom. She could tell Justin just got into bed. He usually does when on a project and would be up slightly before lunch. That meant a short 3 hour period of winks. Morgan usually takes in a hearty breakfast before starting her day. It was no guarantee that she would be having lunch at all in the day, so that’s a formed habit that has become quite a pleasant welcome to a new day. What however is disturbing Morgan today is the unresolved issue of Mr. Humphrey’s invoice. What should be said in the call that has to be made later? Morgan hasn’t much of a life apart from work, and she doesn’t know how to address personally demanding issues like these. She doesn’t even know they have to be addressed. She only knows there is effort on her part, and with every effort comes a headache so bad, she has to numb them with painkillers.

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